Patient Exercise

Pelvic floor therapy that supports you in finding lasting relief from pelvic, pregnancy, or postpartum issues.

Get back to your favorite activities without pelvic pain or leakage, with a plan taylored just for you!

3 reasons to choose Taylored 4 You Health and Wellness: 
  • At Taylored 4 You Health and Wellness, you will be treated by a pelvic health specialist and not a provider without proper training on pelvic floor dysfunction and conditions. You will not just do kegels or sit on a chair that makes you do 1,000 kegels in seconds. We believe in a hands-on approach and educational care to help you combat your symptoms from day one.

  • Although pelvic health conditions can be similar in nature, each individual presents differently, so your appointments are geared toward an individualized plan of care. Taylored 4 You Health and Wellness provides a safe space for you and your provider to discuss your needs and help you to take control of your body.

  • We believe in not placing a bandage over your condition/symptoms. Our IPRM method is set in place with each patient to help us IDENTIFY your areas of dysfunction, set a PLAN to help you meet your goals, RESTORE levels of overall function, and MAINTAIN those levels for lasting relief!

Patient Interaction

Taylored 4 You Health and Wellness offers both in-person and virtual visits to address your symptoms, no matter where you are. 

Dr. T assisting pregnant patient
Dry Needling

Move Your Body Girl

If you are pregnant, feeling great, and need online guidance to support your body through the changes of pregnancy, then this program is for you! Say hello to expert guidance during your pregnancy/early postpartum journey, right from the comfort of your home. This program includes safe mobility and strength exercises with educational resources, labor and birth positioning guide, birth ball exercises, and anatomy photos to help maximize your birth and postpartum outcomes.


Dr. Tee restored my quality of life! After endless trips to a doctor, various medications, & what seemed like never ending pain/discomfort, I went and saw her.  She immediately identified the problem & created a treatment plan that WORKED! She was so kind, friendly, and professional. She is easily accessible for questions and has a flexible schedule! I can't thank her enough! -A.T.